Application of E-Commerce in Knowledge Management Centres


  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, (Under Ministry ofTextiles, Government of India) 1483, Avanashi Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore



Libraries, On-Line Marketing, Information Products and Services, Internet.


E-Commerce is now being used by governments, libraries and other organizations around the world. Many of them use e-commerce for everything from distributing documents to selling images online and to collecting fees for educational courses. But this article deals with how e-commerce can be implemented in libraries. The main goal of any library is improvement of information services. This article will explore how your library may use e-commerce to achieve this goal.


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Reynolds (Janice). The complete E-commerce book: Design, Build, and maintain a successful web-based business, Ed.1, 2004, CMP, London, p31-36

Kenneth (C. Laudon); et al. E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society. Ed. 2, 2003, Addison Wesley, New Delhi, p18-26

Jain (Abhindan) et al. Marketing of Information Products and Services. Ed. 1, 2000, Addison Wesley, New Delhi, p56-61

Nair (Raman). Internet for Library and Information Services. Ed. 1, 2000, PHI, New Delhi, p67-71

Carroll (Jim). Selling online: How to become a successful e-commerce merchant. Ed. 1, 2004, Kaplan Business, Newyork, p45-53

Perry James. New Perspectives on E-commerce. Ed. 1, 2002, Addison Wisely, New Delhi, p11-16

Trepper (Charles). E-commerce strategy. Ed. 1, 2003, Deep and Deep, New Delhi, p24-27.

Shurety (Samantha). E-business with Net Commerce. Ed. 1, 2003 ABH, New Delhi, p43-46.

Harris (Lesley Ellen). E-Commerce: improving information services and beyond, information outlook. March 2000.



How to Cite

Gangatharan, M. (2007). Application of E-Commerce in Knowledge Management Centres. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 44(3), 255–260.
Received 2013-12-31
Accepted 2013-12-31
Published 2007-09-04