Information Resources Management in the 21st Century


  • Indian Institute of Management (K)-Library, Kozhikode 673601, REC P.O., Kerala



Information Management, Managing Information, Push Technology


In this digital era information is available in multiplicity of communication channels. With the multiple channels the information flow is now simultaneous and multidirectional. For the first time in history, the capacity for producing information is greater than the human capacity to process it. So, to find out the relevant one among - the misleading information is considered as, small needle in the haystack. So the users need information management skills, and the information managers who are dealing with information epoch, can guide them in acquiring these skills. Information resources management is “management of the resources concerned with the system support and the servicing of information for an organization". The key to Information management is “improving the quality and provide reliable information". Information resources have different components: information content, information technology, information related personnel, and information-related facilities. Information management strategy involves: identification, ownership, cost and value, development and exploitation. Information resource is available now on various products and services. Physical information product/services (Books, Journals), electronic information products (CD ROM, Diskettes,) online information products (Internet). For managing these information resources, solution should be needed in two aspects: both managerial and technical. This paper deals with the strategies- of managing the vast multitude of information resources, and its importance, benefits and make the users realize the need of information management skills in this age of information explosion.


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How to Cite

Gangatharan, M. (2014). Information Resources Management in the 21st Century. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 41(1), 57–66.



Received 2014-01-02
Accepted 2014-01-02