Teachers' Attitudes towards Library Facilities and Information Resources in first Grade Colleges in Shimoga District: a Survey (Paper P)


  • Sahyadri Science College, Shimoga 577203
  • Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, ManasaGangothri, Mysore




Library Resources, Library Services, Library Facilities, Information Resources, Use Survey, Teachers’ Attitudes


Evaluates the use of library facilities and information resources in First Grade Colleges in Shimoga District (Karnatak). A survey of 400 faculty members from thirty-degree colleges in Shimoga district was conducted through a questionnaire. The collected data covers the use of library resources, services, viz, reference services, inter library loan, photocopying services etc., classification and cataloguing and physical facilities provided by the college authorities. Concludes that, the main intention for the use of libraries has been the academic interest of the faculty.


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Fongerkery (S R). Libraries in university education. In: N.M. Gidwani (Ed.). Comparative Librarianship. Delhi: Vikas, 1973. p15.

Srivastava (S N); Verma (S C). University library in India: their organization and administration, New Delhi, Sterling publishers, 1980, p8.

Sharma (C D); Sharma (R K). Use of libraries: a guide to better use or libraries and their resources. New Delhi: Metropolitan books, 1978, p.121.

Datt (N). Photo-duplication service: their origin, development and some suggestions for Indian university libraries. Library Herald, Vol. 16 (2&3), July - Oct 1963, p154.

Stoffle (Carla J) and Bonn (Gabriella). An inventory of library orientation and instruction methods. RQ. Winter, 1973, p29-133.

How to Cite

Lohar, M., & Kumbar, M. (2013). Teachers’ Attitudes towards Library Facilities and Information Resources in first Grade Colleges in Shimoga District: a Survey (Paper P). Journal of Information and Knowledge, 44(2), 179–206. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2007/v44i2/44238



Received 2013-12-31
Accepted 2013-12-31

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