Advanced Approach in Using E-Resources of the Indest-Aicte Consortium


  • Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Nehru Nagar, Puttur 574203
  • Department of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri 574 199



Library Consortia, INDEST-AICTE Consortium, E-resources, Shared Subscription, Consortia-based Consortium.


The present approach towards partnership, networking, consortia and resource sharing adopted by libraries need radical changes to evolve responsive partnerships in order to achieve best performance in service. Cooperation amongst institutions for sharing their library resources is being practiced for decades. The proliferation of electronic resources in the networked society has resulted in the development of "shared subscription" or "consortia-based subscription" to journals everywhere in the world. Shared-subscription to electronic resources through consortia of libraries is a feasible strategy to meet the pressures such as diminishing budget, increased user’s demand and rising cost of journals.


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How to Cite

Vasanth, N., & Mudhol, M. V. (2007). Advanced Approach in Using E-Resources of the Indest-Aicte Consortium. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 44(4), 367–374.
Received 2013-12-31
Accepted 2013-12-31
Published 2007-12-12

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