Challenging Role of Rural Libraries in the Advent of Information Technology


  • Swami Nithyananda Polytechnic College, Kanhangad, Kerala
  • Department of Library and information science, Mangalore University, Mangalore 574 199



Rural Library, Information Technology, Grantha Sala Sangham, Kerala


The public library system in Kerala was developed as part of the renaissance occurred during the period of national struggle for independence. Public library had been serving as an agency of overall communication to society. Rural libraries are becoming more visible as an essential democratic institution and putting citizens in touch with sustainable issues. Due to the advent of technologies, rural libraries are facing challenging situation. Technologies exist today to provide telephony and internet in every village. Thus, it is engaged in communicating information to each one what one needs, at the time and place convenient to user. Rural localities often lack the individual and organizational resources, expertise and problem solving skills required to deal effectively with their situations. The rural libraries are facing many problems are under funded, understaffed, staff which are underpaid, libraries have been closed and forced into reduced hours.


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Abdul Kalam (A P J). Ignited Minds; Penguin books, New Delhi, 2003.

Raman Nair (R). Library Movement in Kerala; Writers Club, Trivandrum, 1974.

Kerala Public Library Bill 1977; Government Press, Trivandrum, 1977.

Kerala Legislature. Secretariat of Kerala Public Libraries Bill 1985: Background Materials, Trivandrum, 1986.

Kerala State Library Council. Library Guide, 2009

Sarada (K). Rural Library Services in India; ESS ESS Publication, New Delhi, 1986.

Mittal (S R). Organizing a Village Library, Publication Unit, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, 1964.

Raman Nair. Public Library Development, SS Publication, New Delhi, 1993.

Srinivas (M N). Indian Villages, Bombay, 1960.

Carnovosky (Leon); Martin (Lowel A) (Eds). The Library in the Community, Chicago, 1944.

Impact of Information Communication Technology in Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh: Bridging the Divide, Library Herald. Vol. 46(3); September 2008.



How to Cite

Kunhambu, K., & Mudhol, M. V. (2010). Challenging Role of Rural Libraries in the Advent of Information Technology. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 47(2), 197–206.



Received 2013-12-27
Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2010-03-08

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