Information Handling Trends in Business Information Scenario: from Past to Present


  • Dept. of Library and Information Science, University of Lucknow, Lucknow



Industrial Information, Services, Online Information and Inquiry, Information Brokers


Starts with the way of use of information by different business organizations in the changed information scenario as the requirements are changed. Discusses about the nature of information required for running the industries and various areas, components and steps in information handling. Emphasizes important aspects of online information services with the idea that information transfer among the business community is an important element for innovation. Also reflects new emerged professional “information brokers”. Concludes by giving examples of Centres for providing business information as National centre for Trade Information (NCTI) and United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).


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Prataplingam (P). Towards a Methodology for Developing a Mechanism for Business Environmental Scanning. IASLIC Bulletin. Vol. 31 (3); 1986; p83-96.

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Allen (T J). Managing the Flow of Technology: Technology Transfer and the Dissemination of Technological Information within the R&D Organization. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.

Gopinath (M A). Information Needs of Design Engineers. Library Science with a slant to Documentation, 17(3); Sept. 1980; p58-61.

Myers (S); Marquis (D G). Successful Industrial Innovation. 1069. NSF 19-17. Washington, D.C. NSF.

Blandin (James S); Warren (B. Brown). Uncertainty and the Management’s Search for Information. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. EM-24 (4); Nov. pA977.

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Information Brokers.

National Centre for Trade Information.


How to Cite

Kanaujia, S. (2014). Information Handling Trends in Business Information Scenario: from Past to Present. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 41(3), 283–292.
Received 2014-01-03
Accepted 2014-01-03