Scientometric Analysis of Research Output in Spacecraft Propulsion during 1999-2012: A Study with Special Reference to Web of Science


  • Sr. Scientific Assistant, LDD, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Valiamala, ISRO
  • Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala



Spacecraft Propulsion, Bradford’s Law, Degree of Collaboration


At present spacecraft propulsion is a dynamic area of research in which majority of research work is being done. Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge is a premier research platform, helping to find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. The data for the present analysis has been retrieved for a period of 14 years during 1999 to 2012 from this database. This study aims to analyse the Indian contribution in the subject area. The study also analyses year-wise, language-wise, document type-wise distribution and also the country-wise analysis which provides the percentage of Indian share to this subject. The analysis also includes institution-wise categorization; Degree of Collaboration and also verifies the fitness of Bradford's Law of Scattering.


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How to Cite

Aswathy, S., & Gopikuttan, A. (2014). Scientometric Analysis of Research Output in Spacecraft Propulsion during 1999-2012: A Study with Special Reference to Web of Science. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 51(1), 27–37.
Received 2014-02-25
Accepted 2014-02-25
Published 2014-02-04