Library Classification through a Century
After defining the terms Scheme of Classes. 'Scheme of Classification' d 'Library Classification', the progress in the First Century of the Classification a is traced in the three major periods: Pre-Facet, Transition-to-Facet d Facet Periods. The Facet Period is divided into the Restricted Facet formula Period, the Generalised Facet Formula Period and the two Relativity periods-viz Dorking and Elsinore Periods. For each of the six resulting periods, the chief achievements in library classification and the social factors ling to them are mentioned. The achievements of the Dorkina Period ending are described in greater detail. Then follows the programme of arch work for the Elsinore Period of 1965 to 1975. A programme for damental Research in the Idea, Verbal, and Notational Planes is chalked Then follows the programme for Routine Research in the building of modules of Common Isolates, which is a back-log from the Dorking. Period in the new area of the Design and the Building of Schedules for the Depth classification of diverse subjects, needed for Documentation Work and vice. Lastly, the organization suitable to carry out the programme is lined.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ranganathan, S. R. (2000). Library Classification through a Century. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 2(1), 1–30.
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Received 2014-05-22
Accepted 2014-05-22
Published 2000-01-01
Accepted 2014-05-22
Published 2000-01-01