Food Science and Technology Literature: A Bibliotmetric Study
A bibliometric study of the Journal of Food Science (JFS) and Food Technology (FT) has been conducted to detemine the significant list of journals in the field of food science and technology. A quantitative analysis, from 1976 to 1978, of data of reference citations and citation to source articles has been made. Results of the study reveal that there is a proliferation of literature in food science and technology but the bulk of the literature is contained in few journals. Conclusions are based on 5 tables and a figure. Table 3 lists the core list of primary journals and an extended core list of primary journals is given in table 4. In table 5, the core list of secondary journals has been determined by the frequency of articles -which has been cited in JFS and FT articles as sources. A recommendation regarding selective acquisition is made.Downloads
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How to Cite
Nazim Ali, S. (1983). Food Science and Technology Literature: A Bibliotmetric Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 20(1), 31–38.
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Received 2014-05-23
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1983-01-01
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1983-01-01