Opinion and Attitude of Students towards to Vandalism in Two Selected College Libraries in Shimoga, Karnataka: A Comparative Study


  • Department of Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka
  • Department of Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka
  • Department of PG Studies and Research in Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University Jnana Sahyadri Shankaraghatta-577 451




Attitude of the Students, College Libraries, Vandalism


The purpose of this study is to find out the opinion and attitude of students towards to vandalism in the National College of Education (NCE) and Mahatma Gandhi College of Education (MGCE) libraries. Present study will examine the problem of vandalism faced by libraries. Different types of activities and vandalism that occur in college libraries will be discussed with examples from the literature. It helps to know the difficulty faced by the users in locating the library books, include types of problem experienced in locating the library books. The study also reveals the reasons for stealing or mutilation of the library documents and the reasons for tearing of books. Finally this paper will discuss the preventive measures to eliminate vandalism.


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How to Cite

Padmamma, S., Walmiki, R. H., & Banateppanavar, K. (2014). Opinion and Attitude of Students towards to Vandalism in Two Selected College Libraries in Shimoga, Karnataka: A Comparative Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 51(5), 333–342. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2014/v51i5/53545



Received 2014-10-22
Accepted 2014-10-22