RFID Technology and Libraries:A Bibliometric Assessment of Global Literature during 2002-14
RFID, Radio Frequency Identification, Publications, Applications, Libraries, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics.Abstract
The present study examines the world publications output (205) on "RFID Technology and Libraries" published during 2002-14, using a series of bibliometric indicators. The world output on 'RFID Technology and Libraries' registered 5.04% annual average growth and citation impact of 3.91 citations per paper in 13 years. The distribution of world publication output is skewed. The top 8 most productive countries (out of a total of 35) alone accounted for 67.32% world share. The top 8 countries which include - China, USA, Japan, Taiwan, India, South Korea, Malaysia and U.K. - accounted for 42.20% world citations share. However, the distribution of world output is widely scattered across 158 participating organizations. The top 14 organizations accounted for just 23.41% world publication share and 21.22% world citation share. The distribution of world output is also scattered widely across 139 authors. The top 15 authors accounted for just 23.41% world publication share and 17.73% world citation share. RFID applications into computer science was the largest (52.20% share), followed by social sciences (36.10%), engineering (33.66%), business, management and accounting (5.85) and biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (3.90%) during 2002-14. The top17 highly cited papers were individually cited from 10 to 286 times in 13 years since their publication year. The USA contributed 7 highly cited papers and Hong Kong, India, Switzerland and Taiwan contributed 2 each and Japan, South Korea and Jamaica 1 each.Downloads
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