Research on Indian Economy by the Global Research Community:A Bibliometric Study


  • Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore - 560072, Karnataka



Indian Economy, Global Research Community, Bibliometric Study.


With liberalization and economic reforms, India has become a global economic hub. Interest of global research community has increased over time to study India's economic progress. The cultural diversity, social differences in Indian society coupling with the economic aspects has made India a special case of research for the international economist. This study use data from Social Science Citation Index to study the key research areas, countries, institutions and authors engaged in research on Indian economy. Study finds that planning, development, agriculture and environmental issues are key research areas for the economist. United States of America, England and Australia are the key counties among 75 countries that have interest in Indian economic research. World class universities such as Harvard and Oxford including institutions like the World Bank and IFPRI are engaged with research on Indian economy. Researchers of Indian origin also have key interest on Indian economic research. However publications in high impact journals are low.


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How to Cite

Chand, B. B. (2016). Research on Indian Economy by the Global Research Community:A Bibliometric Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 53(2), 133–139.


