User-Focus Approach:Central to Ranganathan's Philosophy
User-Focus, Five Laws-User Focus, Users' Needs-Satisfaction, User and Library-Relationship.Abstract
Mentions that Ranganathan's philosophy is central towards USER - the supreme entity in the information arena. Analyses Five Laws of Library Science and finds out the main thrust of every law, interpreted in the light of closeness to 'user focus'. Brings out knowing user community; identifying users, needs and its anticipation; offering some value in meeting their needs; and making and maintaining a close relationship between the user and the library - as imperative for user focus in L&I services. Concludes that Ranganathan's approach to user-focus gives strength to service providers to face challenges of change boldly and favorably.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gupta, D. K. (1999). User-Focus Approach:Central to Ranganathan’s Philosophy. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 36(2), 123–128.
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