Scientometric Study of Superconductivity Research in India from 1989 to 2014
Bradford’s Law, Growth of Literature, India, Logistic Model, Lotka’s Law, Scientometrics, Superconductivity Research.Abstract
This paper presents scientometric analysis of superconductivity research output in India from 1981 to 2014 and compares it with Global output as reported in Web of Science. The study shows that superconductivity research in India had a steep growth between 1981 and 1988, particularly an abrupt hike in 1987 is noticeable (both Indian and Global) followed by a more or less steady pattern thereafter up to 2014. The Indian growth pattern however differs from Global pattern. A sudden climb was noticed in 1987, which touched the crest in 1991. It started to descend thereafter steadily and troughed in 2003 followed by another steady rise again up to 2014. Indian trend thus shows a dip between 1992 and 2014 unlike Global pattern which was nearly steady over the span. The author productivity pattern only approximately corresponds to Lotka’s law. The number of core journals in the subject area is comparatively less as obtainable by employing Bradford’s law of scattering.Downloads
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Accepted 2017-11-06
Published 2017-10-26