Content Management by Keywords: an Analytical Study


  • St. Xavier‘s College, 30, Park Street, Kolkata 700016
  • Department of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032380
  • New Delhi 110019



Content Management, Content Analysis, Keyword Cluster Analysis, Keyword Taxonomy, Condensed Matter Physics, Fermi Liquid, Structure of Keyword, Intrinsic Criteria of Keyword, Extrinsic Criteria of Keyword


Various methods of content analysis are described here with special emphasis on keyword analysis. This study is based on an analytical study of 97 keywords extracted from titles and abstracts of 70 research articles, taking ten from each year starting from 2000 to 2006, in decreasing order of relevance, on the subject Fermi Liquid, which is a specific subject under the broad area of Condensed Matter Physics. The keywords beginning with the letters 'A' to 'F' only are considered for this study. The research articles have been collected from the bibliographic database of INSPEC. The keywords are indexed to critically examine its physical structure that is composed of three fundamental kernels, viz. keyphrase, modulator and qualifier. The keyphrase reflects the central concept, which is usually post-coordinated by the modulator to amend the central concept in accordance with the relevant context. The qualifier comes after the modulator to describe the particular state of the central concept and/or amended concept. The keywords are further classified in 36 classes on the basis of the 10 parameters, of which 4 parameters are intrinsic, i.e. Associativeness, chronological appearance, frequency of occurrence and category; and remaining 6 parameters are extrinsic, i.e. Clarity of meaning, type of meaning, scope of meaning, level of perception, mode of creation and area of occurrence. The number of classes under 4 intrinsic parameters is 16, while the same under 6 extrinsic parameters are 20. A new taxonomy of keywords has been proposed here that will enable to analyze research-trend of a subject and to identify potential research-areas under the scope of the same.


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How to Cite

Dutta, B., Majumder, K., & Sen, B. K. (2010). Content Management by Keywords: an Analytical Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 47(6), 599–620.
Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2010-11-10

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