Research Productivity of Graph Theory during 2004-2011: a Bibliometric Study


  • Alagappa University Central Library, Karaikudi 630 003, Tamilnadu



Web of Science, Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Doubling Time (Dt), Ranking of Authors, Lotka's Law, Exponential Growth


The study has examined research growth, relative growth rate and doubling time of publications, institutionwise and ranking of authors in research productivity of Graph theory during 2004-2011. The average number of papers published per year was 910.75 during the period. The highest numbers of papers were published above thousand during the years 2009 to 2011. It is observed RGR has been increased and decreased from 2005 (0.113) to 2011 (0.057). On the other view of doubling time (Dt) has shows fluctuating trend from 2005 (6.132). Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was found to be a decreasing trend between 2005 and 2007 the decreasing trend between 2008 and 2011 shown during the period of study. The Doubling Time (Dt) has shown as fluctuating trend during the period of study. The result examined the author exponential growth using least squares excluding high productive authors and maximum likelihood method. Lotka's law is found to be applicable to graph theory research during the study period.


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How to Cite

Baskaran, C. (2012). Research Productivity of Graph Theory during 2004-2011: a Bibliometric Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 49(6), 683–691.
Received 2013-12-27
Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2012-11-04