Digital Information Access and its Impact on Reading Habit of Users


  • S K N College of Agriculture, Jobner (Jaipur)
  • Modi institute of Technology and Science, Sikar, Rajasthan



Reading Habits, Print Resources, Electronic Resources, Retail Information, Mobile Information


A detailed study has been made with help of data collected from 188 users of Mody Institute of Technology and Science (MITS). For this a questionnaire method has been used to know the users response about different aspects of reading habits. All the data pertaining to present study has been analyzed into tables for final interpretations. The study has also been made on different characteristics concerned with print /digital/electronic resources. The various characteristics like attractiveness, portability, need of power supply, infrastructure required, speedy and time savvy, money savvy, up to date information; reliable information and flexibility, etc are taken into consideration for study. The purpose of this study is to know the various approaches for reading habits. Frequency of use of library: Types of reading material used by users, Awareness of E-resources among the users, users approach for information access through Internet, satisfaction of users for E resources, limitations of reading habits in print /digital media access.


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How to Cite

Krishna, K. M., & Adwani, N. (2010). Digital Information Access and its Impact on Reading Habit of Users. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 47(3), 289–295.



Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2010-05-10