Electronic Journal - Bouquet to Library and Information Science Professionals through UGC-INFONET Project
UGC-INFONET, Electronic Journals, E-journals in Library and Information Science, Emerald, Project Muse, Taylor and Francis and Springer LinkAbstract
UGC-Infonet Electronic Journal Consortium is an innovative project launched by University Grant Commission (UGC) to promote the use of electronic databases and full text access to journals by the research and academic community in the country. This project will bring about a qualitative change in the academic environment. The research and academic community can now have an access to resources at their finger tips.
Article deals with an insight into UGC-INFONET Project and provides awareness to the library professionals for accessing scholarly journals covered by UGC-INFONET scheme for their research and academic activities.
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http:// www.inflibnet.ac.in
http:// www.springerlink.com/
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Accepted 2013-12-31
Published 2008-12-18