Advantages and Disadvantages of E-journals as Perceived by the Academicians of Universities of Karnataka: A Survey Report
Electronic Journals, Advantages And Disadvantages of E-journals, Usage of E-journals, Survey Report of E Journals’ Use, E-resourcesAbstract
Journals dominate the Information Technology literature. Undoubtedly, these are well-established means of transmission of information from the generator to the end user. Though the information is available indifferent forms like books, magazines and journals, CD-ROM, Internet sources, online databases, microfilms, magnetic tapes etc., a survey conducted at foreign universities reports that majority of users are interested to use e-journals. An attempt has been made in this article to report the advantages and disadvantages of e-journals as perceived by the academicians of universities of Karnataka. It is observed that “It provides current and up-to-date information” and “Site license problem” were the major advantage and disadvantage of e-journals.”Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-30