Image Analysis of Mysore University Library: a Study


  • Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006
  • Mysore University Library Automation Project (MULAP), Mysore University Library, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006



Strategic Management Techniques, Image Analysis, Mysore University Library


It is the first time in the annals of Mysore University Library, University of Mysore, that an attempt is made by the investigators to explore what image the users have about the library. The application of strategic marketing methods to libraries and information centers is however of recent origin. The outcome of such studies, if found positive helps in attracting good funding. It also leads to the most effective way of managing a library besides enhancing its efficiency. The results show that the image and familiarity of this library among the users is somewhat favorable and most of them know a fair amount about it. A great majority of users seek the help of the library professionals to look for documents More than 50% of the respondents are satisfied with the library services. The users also suggest that they need more books followed by journals.


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How to Cite

Nikam, K., & Mamatha, M. (2014). Image Analysis of Mysore University Library: a Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 41(2), 205–221.



Received 2014-01-03
Accepted 2014-01-03

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