Ranganathan's Promulgation of Verbal Plane: a Linguistic Approach


  • Central Library, Burdwan University, Burdwan 713104
  • Central Library, Burdwan University, Burdwan 713104




<I>Paribhasa</I> (Terminology), <I>Purva-Mimamsa</I> (Vakya- Sastra of Ancient India), Homonym/Synonym, <I>Abhitanwayabada</I> (Analytico-Synthetic)


Dr. S.R. Ranganathan promulgated three planes of work in his classification theory Verbal plane is one of them. Every one have to accept the idea that natural language has as one of its primary attributes, a method of classification. The lexical meaning (obhidha), and the contextual meaning (according to denotative, implicational and suggestive potentiality obeying the compatibility, expectancy, and proximity) has helped to formulate the canons of verbal plane. Classification is closely linked with language and may be defined as a means by which the context of information sources is made accessible within established semantic contexts.


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How to Cite

Adhikary, M. M., & Nandi, A. (2014). Ranganathan’s Promulgation of Verbal Plane: a Linguistic Approach. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 41(3), 275–282. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2004/v41i3/44490
Received 2014-01-03
Accepted 2014-01-03