Citation Pattern of Contributions in "Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies"


  • North Bengal University, Raja Rammohunpur, Dist. Darjeeling 734430



Citation Analysis, Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies.


Citation analysis of 1374 citations from 117 contributions published in "Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies", Vo1.32-36, shows that the contributing authors are mainly working librarians or professionals than that of the teaching faculty. Eugene Garfield appears as the most productive author as the trend of contributing articles were mainly on bibliometrics or citation analysis during 1995 to 1997. Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies" is the most cited journal followed by the "Current Content". Co-citations and bibliographic coupling strength has also been counted to observe the inter dependence of the cited documents. It shows that the contributors most frequently refer to the journals in which they write.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, S. (2000). Citation Pattern of Contributions in "Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies". Journal of Information and Knowledge, 37(4), 251–265.
Received 2014-05-19
Accepted 2014-05-19
Published 2000-12-04