Opportunities and Challenges of Providing Electronic Information Services through Public Libraries in India (Paper M)
Opportunities and Challenges of Providing Electronic Information Services through Public Libraries in IndiaaAbstract
Public demand for library services has not only grown enormously but is also becoming more diversified. This is due to the widespread acceptance of libraries as central to education and research, community development and nation building programmes. Libraries are expected to meet this critical challenge by providing adequate and effective services to the public. This paper examines the concept of public libraries in general, as well as the state of public libraries in India in the light of the new and emerging technological dispensation. It proceeds to give a detailed account of recommended steps for introducing and maintaining electronic information services for public use. Some fledgling real cases involving impressive attempts of delivering much needed information services in rural areas, using electronic or “digital” media, are mentioned. Conceivable suggestions for the way forward affecting public libraries are given, wherever applicable.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-31