Research in Plant Pathology: A Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric Analysis, Plant Pathology Citations, Periodicals Comparative Study.Abstract
On the basis of 3685 references conected from 20 Ph.D. dissertations (1980-1993), the study attempts to identify the different forms of literature used, and provides a ranked list of first 100 most frequently cited core periodicals representing 73.01% of the total references. The study reveals that plant pathology literatures are scattered in 631 periodicals. of which, more than 50 per cent references are covered by first 20 periodicals. Among them. Indian phytopathology tops the Hst with 11.61% references; followed by phytopathology (9.20%) and plant disease (4.83%) respectively. These three primary journals constitute 25.64% references. The study also portrays a comparison of first 42 periodicals with that of three previously published list. The first 10 periodicals are most productive, and contribute 38.93 per cent of the total1iterature.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lal, A., & Panda, K. C. (1996). Research in Plant Pathology: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 33(3), 135–147.
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Received 2014-05-19
Accepted 2014-05-19
Published 1996-01-03
Accepted 2014-05-19
Published 1996-01-03