Extent of Future e-Resource Usage as Perceived by Students of Information Science in Iran
e-Resources, Information, Information Science.Abstract
The present study is aimed at investigating the extent of future E-Resource usage as perceived by information science students in Iran. A total number of 82 respondents (52 PG students and 30 Research scholars) were randomly selected. A questionnaire measuring usage of various digital technologies and accessing digital resources was prepared and administered to the sample population. Results revealed that there is a non-significant association between categories of responses for CD-ROM data base awareness. The association between categories of responses for CD-ROM database searches from RICST and IRANDOC was also non-significant. It was also revealed that there is a non-significant association between category of responses for science citation index, bibliographic and citation analysis, IRANDOC abstracting and indexing services and Iran National Library bibliographical and cataloguing. But there was a significant difference in the respondents' awareness on subscription to online journals and also online database access. The association between categories of responses for content page services was also non-significant. The qualitative data presented through the research provided insight into electronic resource use within a cross section of the further education sector.Downloads
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Accepted 2017-07-04
Published 2017-07-19