A Scientometric Analysis of the Doctoral Theses Submitted to Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Bibliometrics, Doctoral Dissertations, Research Analysis, Research Productivity, Scientometrics.Abstract
The growth of research activity in IIT Bombay in terms of PhD theses is analyzed for the period of 1958-2015 using data from Annual Reports, Library Catalogue, Electronic Theses and Dissertations of IIT Bombay. Data related to 4, 268 PhDs awarded during the period have been analyzed to identify active departments, supervisors, research collaboration, and topics based on high frequency keywords; Keyword visualization map is generated using VosViewer software. The study is intended to provide useful information to policy makers and funding agencies.Downloads
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http://www.vosviewer.com/. Accessed on: February 06, 2016.
IIT Bombay. (1959 to 2015). IIT Bombay Annual Report. Mumbai.
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Accepted 2016-11-17
Published 2016-11-30